1 前言
2 解决方案
2.1 刚进去是机器人,要先说需要人工客服
2.2 然后给他发送问题,大致可以这样说
I previously set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on my Oracle Cloud account. However, I recently encountered an issue where my phone had to be reset, and unfortunately, I did not have a backup of the MFA app. I have already tried resetting my password and using methods to bypass MFA, but I am still unable to log in to my account. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
2.3 然后会让你提供账户的相关信息,发给他即可
3 其他建议
app验证很不方便,不如直接用bypass code,建议登录后在如图所示的位置为用户生成验证码,妥善保存即可,这样就不用担心app被不小心卸载了。